1. What's Fushiuki


"Fushiuki" is the most important base technique of swim.

I don't know how to say in English, it's Japanese so you can see below. 




You have to float here without any forces.

You may not believe that. You may think it's a mere theory.



It's a compulsory technique for all swimmer.


Yeah, I know I know, it's not easy.

I also had for 8 years (2001 ~ 2009) until like that.



"Fushiuki" means the floating in the prone position. So you have to floating here without any forces.

If you can't do "Fushiuki", your legs should go down into the water like that.




Yeah, I know I know, I also could not believe that.


At first for some years, I thought that I can't do Fushiuki because I have heavy muscle, I don't have a lot of fat, so just few specific people do that.


Ohoooooo, Nooooooooo!!

It's the bad thinking, just an excuse, oh it's a easy way.

The excuse pull the real.


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