5. Relation to the stroke


Swimmer imagined a motor boat when they swim until 90's.

The strategy was to raise the upper half of the body with strong kick. 

(I don't know about foreign countries, but in Japan it's the truth. )


But human can't swim fast and can't have power like a motor boat. 

So the body was up and down, up and down.

The Los Angeles 1984 Summer Olympic Games

(Their back and head keep higher than nowadays)



The body looks like back bridge when imagine to move like a motor boat.

It means the swimmer have to support his body with his belly and pelvis.




Did you remember ?

Stick your belly out like back bridge, it means you have to swim with a sinker like that.






Human can't become a motor boat, at best a classical ship like that. 



Can you see ?

The classical ship is swimming flat.

Does the nowadays swimmer swim flat ?



Uh ? (^ ^) Not flat ?


The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games


The London 2012 Olympic Games

(Their back and head keep deeper and their body keep flatter than 1984's)



Do I still have to show this ?



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